Monday, May 10, 2004

Our Best Face

The mouse that roared 'No' says it wants to remain non-partisan
We're doing great on the international front, thanks for asking. Yes; we've had a few gliches in recent weeks. The prison abuse "scandal".

Check out Jeremy Reynalds scoop on the issue ('Maybe they were born that way') [Men's News Daily] -- he goes from prison abuse to gays in the military to gay marriage with a deftness that defies the imagination.

Quick to jump to conclusions, aren't they?

So what's the deal with Michael Moore's documentary, Fahrenheit 911 [IMDB]? Michael Moore's words:
Yesterday I was told that Disney, the studio that owns Miramax, has officially decided to prohibit our producer, Miramax, from distributing my new film, "Fahrenheit 9/11." The reason? According to today's (May 5) New York Times, it might "endanger" millions of dollars of tax breaks Disney receives from the state of Florida because the film will "anger" the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush. []
How do we think this is going to be perceived in the world at large? Do we care? We've got a bunch of Muslims sitting on the fence [Toronto Free Press] who may not be so quick to fall on their knees before the "Allied Juggernaut".

Why are we there, anyway?

What have we got left? Let's go over the list:
  1. Weapons of Mass Destruction
  2. Terrorist Ties
  3. Freedom for Iraqi People
  4. Oil
  5. A Foothold in that Seething Cauldron of Chaos
Well, we've seen (1) collapse [Double Standards] (Is this an impeachable offense? [FindLaw]), (2) has pretty much been discarded [Editor & Publisher], and I think with the prison abuse scandal, we've pretty much ruled out (3) -- at least in the minds of the average Iraqi.

So what's left? (4) is cute, but a bit trite (I'm sure there is some basis for it -- but really, it's a bit of a stretch).

That Brings Us To (5)

We've got to quell that demon in the Middle East! He's thirsting for western blood, and the seething is just getting worse. He hates McDonalds and Blockbuster, he detests Walmart and General Motors, and worst of all, he spits in the face of The Christ. What will the situation be like in 30 years? He has shaken and destroyed our greatest edifices, he has wrapped his fingers around our throats and we've got no choice left but to punch!

The problem is, who are we punching? And why? It reminds me of a giant in a bar fight. He's hit in the back of the head by a chair, so he punches the man standing in front of him. Sure, he knocks the man in front of him right out, but that just pisses off the man's friend, and the guy with the chair is still standing behind him! How many men can the giant take on? And even if he is big enough to level them all; what will he do then? Will the bartender still serve him drinks?

Alright, that's just silly. Take it easy.